Saturday, April 08, 2006

Some more specific things about our trip. St. Paul's Chapel is the church that you sometimes see in photographs of Ground Zero. It is directly across the street from the buildings that fell on 9/11/2001. By some odd miracle, the building which was built in 1766, a colonial brick and wooden structure, withstood the clouds of smoke and ash and after cleaning and repainting, it remains much as it was before. It seats about 250 I'd say, has a marble floor and barrel vault ceiling and about 3 seconds of reverberation. It is a wonderful place to sing. We participated in the morning worship and had learned all the hymns and service music. In addition, each choir sang two pieces each: the mixed choir sang Palestrina's Exultate Deo, and Hogan's Ride On! King Jesus, while the girls sang two Psalms, Raminsh 23 and Clausen 1oo. All went well, but the girls were extraordinary in that acoustic and they knew it. This was the church of George Washington when he first became president of the United States. Furthermore, when he ousted the British from New York during the war, he led a parade to St. Paul's to celebrate. His pew is still there today marked by the original painting of the seal of the United States. It was extraordinary to participate in worship there. There were visitors from New Zealand, Poland, Toronto, and points around the United States, as well as regular members of Trinity Wall Street Church (espiscopal), who meet there every Sunday. There was a nice reception afterward. The minister was interesting and gave a great compliment to one or our parents. He said that although they have 3 or 4 visiting choirs a week, that he had never heard one make the sounds of our girls. That was actually an astute observation on his part and probably correct. They are extraordinary. The Music Director Ms. H was very complimentary as well. On Monday as we toured we stopped in the financial center across from Groun Zero and could see the church on the opposite side of the now empty area. It was solemn to stand there and realize that nearly three thousand had died there. I don't think the terrorists have much understanding of who we are and how wonderful life is. The Metropolitan Museum of Art confirmed this again to me on Wednesday. I'll talk about it later.


At 3:24 AM, Blogger Sean Dietrich said...

I really enjoy your blog! Thanks for your honest heart and truthfulness, it is refreshing to hear someone be real. Its cool to read about real people who serve Jesus.

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“All my music is free.”


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