Sunday, July 23, 2006

Want to do an internet test on your political leanings. Surprisingly mine came out right where I'd expect it to be, right in the middle of democratic party, just outside the "centrist" category. Robert Redford, Hillary Clinton and I could have a little party. Want to take your own political temperature?

Everyone should know that the preznit and his boys are using a back door approach to attack the estate tax since their attempt to eliminate it through the congress has failed. They have laid off HALF of the lawyers who examine estate tax returns, effective in 70 days. These federal employees are the most productive of any federal employee, detecting $2,200 of money owed to the government per hour that they work! Apparently tax evasion in the estate tax area is a massive and growing problem in the past 10 years. How can the preznit and his boys help the situation? Why we'll just look at half as many estate tax returns and then more of the wealth will slip through untaxed, helping America's wealthiest to keep their father's money without paying the taxes owed on the cash. Where does the liberal media report this scandal? A New York Times article is buried on page 9 of today's AJC. Read the article here.


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