Friday, April 13, 2007

All Animals Are Equal. Some animals are more equal than other animals.

The World Bank is an establishment of the world. Countries make contributions and the 25-member board, made up of representatives of the world, governs the distribution of loans to nations with need. It is a great idea. The United States generously contributes 16 % of the funds, more than any other country. Because of our generosity, the president of the bank is traditionally appointed by the President of the United States. Our preznit appointed his pal, Paul "architect of the Iraq war before they were even elected to office" Wolfowitz to be president. Wolfowitz's autocratic style of leadership, (he has begun suspending aid to people he doesn't like, little places like India and Kenya, bypassing the board with his decisions, a sort of "who needs congress" attitude) has alienated board members and countries. He came into office saying he was going to clean up the place and do away with corruption, you know, stop Ali from loaning money to Ali when he knew it was not going to be repaid. What's a few million lost between friends. As it turns out, Wolfowitz himself is now embroiled in a scandal of lying and promoting his live in "companion" (geez, Louise, couldn't he just call her his girlfriend? Or why not marry the woman if he's been shacked up with her for three plus years?) in order to remove her from his direct supervision. The move to the state department came with a salary increase for Shaha Ali Riza from 132K to 193K, tax free because of her status as a diplomat, to a level higher than cabinet members, with the provision that when he leaves office she be returned to the world bank with her improved salary. Apparently some procedures have been shall we say "violated."

Wolfowitz originally said he had nothing to do with the transfer or the salary, but it now comes to light that he was instrumental in the process. So yesterday he held a little meeting at the bank to annouce his error to them and apologize for his lapse in judgement. I would imagine the World Bank would be a calm group of reasonable people, but in this case they became enraged and shouted boos and catcalls and demands for his resignation. You can read the breaking story in today's New York Times.

The Christian right is responsible for putting these guys in charge of everything. It's time that they stand up for the behavior and begin asking them to stand down. Forget about Obama, Clinton, Giuliani, and Romney. Nancy Pelosi should be the next president because Bush and Cheney need to be removed or imprisoned for high crimes. Forget misdemeanors.


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