Saturday, March 15, 2008

Don't be lulled to sleep, thinking the lame duck president is not doing anything. He and his people plan to do as much damage as possible to the government that might hurt their cronies, or try to reign in their imperial presidency. They are busy as the congress has gone to Easter recess. The Boston Globe reports that by executive order the preznit wiped out a civilian oversight agency of the country's espionage, a board that was established during the Ford administration in the wake of Watergate.

The Washington Post reports an unprecedented move as the president intervened to lower clean air standards.

"The Environmental Protection Agency weakened one part of its new limits on smog-forming ozone after an unusual last-minute intervention by President Bush, according to documents released by the EPA. EPA officials initially tried to set a lower seasonal limit on ozone to protect wildlife, parks and farmland, as required under the law. While their proposal was less restrictive than what the EPA's scientific advisers had proposed, Bush overruled EPA officials and on Tuesday ordered the agency to increase the limit, according to the documents.
"It is unprecedented and an unlawful act of political interference for the president personally to override a decision that the Clean Air Act leaves exclusively to EPA's expert scientific judgment," said John Walke, clean-air director for the Natural Resources Defense Council.

"The president's order prompted a scramble by administration officials to rewrite the regulations to avoid a conflict with past EPA statements on the harm caused by ozone."

As for the country's economy, the preznit could only say "We live in uncertain times." By the way, we spent 700 million dollars in Iraq yesterday and will spend another 700 million today. Wonder why the dollar is plunging and the price of gas and food skyrocketing. No end in sight.

In the same "economic" speech, I heard the preznit fumble around trying to remember King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, unable to remember he just said, uh, uh, uh, uh, you know, the king of Saudi. He holds hands with the guy when he sees him and can't remember his name. The preznit is an idiot. And yes I may be a half-wit, but that's better than no wit at all.

Got to walk the dog.


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