Thursday, May 08, 2008

After seven and a half years, Laura Bush came to the Whitehouse Press Room to talk to reporters. What brought her there? She came to critisize the government of Myanmar. She refused to call them Myanmar but referred to them as Burma. Amazingly she critisized their preparation and response to this devastating cyclone that has killed thousands. Could their be a greater irony. Has there ever been a bigger case of "kick em while they're down." The preznit had his own news conference to give an award to the nemisis of the Myanmar government and to say shame on you for not taking our aid. So his diplomatic formula for handing out aid is--insult them first, then offer aid.

Meanwhile the preznit is busy crisscrossing the globe preparing another completely fabricated, no evidence but me saying so, case against Iran. He's hell bent on dropping more bombs before leaving office. If he attacks another country, the congress must remove him and Mr. Cheney from office immediately.

What is Hillary Clinton doing these days? She can only win by destroying. He attitude is "I win, or nobody wins." And where is her support. While polling at 51% in Indiana and 14 points behind in N.C., her financial support has disappeared and she is running the campaign on her own money. The Clinton supporters have taken to Repub tactics of negative attacks, political gimmicks like meaningless "tax holidays," and partyline talking points answers to every question. No matter what the question, every Clinton official will give the same answer. Good grief. It's time to stop Mrs. Clinton.


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